Tuesday, September 21, 2010

IDKT - Vitamin D More Facts and Stats

The facts on Vitamin D continue to come in. Here are some more "I didn't know that" facts and stats:

* Vitamin D is really a hormone.

* 3 out of 4 Americans are deficient in Vitamin D

* Heart disease, hypertension, cancer, TB, diabetes type 1 and 2, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, muscle weakness, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, misco joint pain, the flu, and obesity are all being linked to vitamin D deficiency, as are asthma, allergies and autoimmune syndromes.

* Research is finding that a vitamin D deficiency can worsen the conditions of many cancers and may even be responsible for turning on the cancer process in the human body.

* Vitamin D may be a partial culprit in depression because it stimulates the production of serotonin.

* Vitamin D has been found to improve insulin sensitivity.

* Vitamin D has been found to help fat cells burn more calories.

* Vitamin D deficiency is extremely important to avoid in pregnant women. Studies have shown that children born to vitamin D deficient moms face an approx 40% increased risk of developing asthma and allergies before they turn 5.

* Studies have also show that low levels of vitamin D in utero can cause the fetus to develop weaker immune systems and lungs!

* The current RDI for Vitamin D is 200 to 600 iu's daily. Vitamin D experts from Europe and the US pleaded with government agencies to up their official recommendation to 2,000 iu's daily but fear that even that amount won't combat an already out of control deficiency.

* Vitamin D can be tested through the blood via a test called the 25 OH test. If your doctor orders the 1,25 OH test instead, tell him you want the 25 test as the 1,25 test can give inaccurate results.

* Cod liver oil is rich in vitamin D

* My level was just checked and came in at 85 ng/ml. From what I can assertain from others, the average high/normal range should be around 50 ng/ml

* I personally take 5,000 iu's of vitamin D daily and will continue to do so.

* My 19 year old is taking 10,000 iu's daily and is beginning to thrive again after being deficient and constantly sick. She is a teenage cave dweller and doesn't get out in the sun as much as she should so this will help her stay in the healthy range.

To learn more, you'll soon be able to visit my new site and find out about my affiliation with the New Medicine Foundation. Dr Edward Pearson is the leader in understanding hormones, all of them and not just the misunderstood few. He is an educator and a pioneer and is starting a "health care" revolution leading the way to keeping us out of the "sick care" environment of current day medicine and pharmaceutical drugs. You can contact me through my normal channels on http://www.avoiceforchange.com/ or send an email message to donna.appel@newmedicinefoundation.com or donna@avoiceforchange.com

Now you know (NYK)! Pass it along and be A VOICE FOR CHANGE.
Namaste (I bow to you), Donna

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