Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Vitamin D3 – Know the Facts

I didn't know that (IDKT) Vitamin D3 has natural immune-boosting qualities that could reduce swine flu fatalities. The powers that be have scared the public into obsessive usage of chemically-ladened sunscreen to the point that it is causing vitamin D3 deficiencies in record numbers.
Did you know that

1. Dark skinned people require 10 times more sun exposure to make adequate amounts of D3.

2. A 70 old makes a quarter of the D3 that a 20 year old can make.

3. In higher latitude areas (Atlanta GA and North), even fair-skinned people won’t produce adequate amounts of D3 in the fall and winter months.

4. At times when it is completely cloudy, UV energy is cut in half.

5. Shade reduces UV energy by 60%.

6. If you are young, fair skinned, wearing minimal clothing and live near the equator, spending 20 minutes in peak sunshine would produce approximately 25,000 IUs of D3.

7. Your skin consists of immune cells and when these cells are exposed to sunshine, they convert inactive D3 into active D3.

8. Vitamin D3 is the only vitamin that the body can manufacturer from sunlight (UVB).

9. Vitamin D3 is necessary for bone health and deficiencies are being linked to depression, back pain, cancer, immunity issues as well as macular degeneration.

So now the question to ask is how much D3 is too much. To that I say, get your levels checked. From the research I did, even people consuming 2,000 to 4,000 IUs per day had test levels that were inadequate. I’ve discovered people taking 8,000 plus IUs a day just to achieve optimum blood levels.

Get your 1.25-dihyroxy D3 levels checked. It has been reported that a small group of people that supplemented with D3 had excessively elevated levels of calcium. This was particularly true in the African American population so why you are getting tested, make sure they include checking your calcium blood levels at the same time. It just makes good sense as part of your yearly healthy checkup.

I know there is a lot of controversy about vitamin D3. I for one take 5,000 IUs a day and have for over a year now. I for one get yearly hormone panels, adrenal and cortizol panels and a complete extensive blood panel done and have it reviewed by my physician. I’ll be 57 soon. I feel better now and look better than I have in years and I’m drug and disease free. Big Pharma won’t be taking any money from my bank account.

Now you know (NYK)! Pass it along and be A VOICE FOR CHANGE.

Namaste (I bow to you), Donna

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