Reconnective Healing® is often a life-changing experience, utilizing new frequencies to allow for the healing of the body, mind and spirit. Vastly different from Reiki, Johrei, Jin Shin, Qi gong or Pranic Healing, Reconnective Healing® is beyond any technique you've ever encountered.
These highly palpable energies are initiated by your Reconnective Healing Practitioner™ at the start of your session, and continue working with you long after your visit has ended. Through your participation in these sessions, you will be forever changed, operating at, and attuned to, a higher frequency than ever before.
Reconnective Healing™ sessions typically last 45 minutes, and one to three sessions are normally recommended, with most clients experiencing relief after the first session.
Visit my Reconnective Healing page at to scheudule your session.

You can contact me through my normal channels on or
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