Thursday, March 31, 2011

Phyto what??? The Importance of Consuming Local Produce

I didn't know that (IDKT) .... Phytonutrient content is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing quality food. You must eat good quality foods as your body won’t be able to digest food and give you back great energy, great metabolism and hence great health without it. Phytonutrients are nutrients that are derived from plants, shown to be necessary for sustaining human life. Without adequate nutrients, your body will demand more food until it gets what it needs. If you think you will get enough nutrients from processed foods, forget about it. Food begins to lose nutrients the moment it is harvested and continues the loss through storage, processing and transportation. This is one of the main reasons it is advised to get as much produce as you can from local sources, organic when possible.

Some resources for finding farms and local markets in your area are:,,,

Now you know (NYK)!

Pass it along and be A VOICE FOR CHANGE.

Namaste (I bow to you), Donna

Photo found on

Monday, March 28, 2011

LOVE - What I've learned about love

What I've learned about love through my life experiences.

We often mistake fear for love. We think we are doing something worthy or loving someone for the essence of love when it fact, we love them out of fear. We look to them to protect us from the very things that prohibit the love in our hearts from blossoming. We think there is solace in their embrace when in actuality we are clinging to anything that can save us from our fear. What are we fearful of? I asked myself that many times.

As I sit her listening to Sting sing Fields of Gold, I yearn for the warmth of the sun on my body, for the warmth of love on my lips and in my heart. I realize that fear is actually the opposite of love. If you are fearful of anything, there is no room in your heart for love.

I realize that pure love is the remedy for ridding yourself of fear. One must face their fears, wrap their heads and hearts around that fear and feel it. Actually feel the fear to the core of your being. Feel the pain of past hurts. Embrace yourself in that moment of feeling the fear. When you are able to do that, you will also be able to witness and feel the love. That love will win and take over but you must keep still long enough to envision the possibility that was there all along. Fear just had a hold of you. With your ego in control, your heart was unable to open without acknowledgement.

That is what I was doing as I listened to Sting sing his song. I was envisioning how beautiful it would be to be laying next to the man I love in a field in Bali. Would I lay there afraid the feeling would go away? Would I lay there afraid that one day he will leave me and I'll be all alone? Would I lay there not wanting that moment to end? Or would I be lying there embracing the moment, reveling in the joy and beauty of sharing a moment in time with another soul that I adored? Would I be enjoying the time we had together not contemplating anything of a negative nature? Would I just be enjoying him for the pure beauty of the moment?

Imagine laying in that field of gold in Bali next to someone that you are so exposed to, your heart is gaping open, the fear gone with nothing left but love. In that very moment, what do you do, how do you feel, what do you think?

I have found that love in myself after years of searching inside of me. It is called self love. Now, as I listen, I find myself envisioning the feeling of love radiating from my heart. At one time I would have been lying their so fearful that all I would be thinking about were my insecurities of not thinking I was good enough for him. I'd be contemplating his departure from my life or trying to contemplate what his next move would be. Would he use me for sexual favor or exploit me financially or even worse, suck the very energy and life right out of my body?

As I sit here contemplating life, love and the pursuit of happiness, I'm thinking to myself, if these horrible things did happen, then what? If I were physically harmed, I will heal. If I died, it would just be my physical body dying and has nothing to do with the essence of who I am or my soul's survival. Beyond that, I might get my feelings hurt, right? That would be my ego hurting, not my spirit. The ego operates out of fear, not out of love so in essence if my ego gets bruised, who cares. My ego isn't who I really am.

What I have come to learn is that it is none of my business what other people say or think about me. If they are that shallow and choose to say negative things without really getting to know the person I am, they do not need to reside in my energy of life. My life is beautiful and is filled with magnificent love and beauty. What they say about me is unimportant to me as a soul and as a person living on this planet. It doesn't impact me unless I allow it to do so.

I have chosen to move forward in love and let go of the fear for good. I believe in a loving God, a power much greater than myself. I believe we are here on this planet that I like to call Earth School, to learn. If we can't overcome the fear and learn to continue to move forward always in love, we will have a very difficult time no matter what we do.

We all have done things that we are not very proud of. However, instead of beating ourselves up, we should be saying thank you for the experience and try a little harder to always act in loving, warm, kind, compassionate ways in the future. Opening your heart to the possibility of loving someone for the shear joy of love and not for anything else is what love and life should be all about. No one can save you from the ravages of daily living. That isn't their job. If they aren't loving you the way you want to be loved, then you aren't loving you that way either. You may think you are but take a look again as you might find power in this message.

Look at the mirror image of you; the reflection of the person standing opposite you. Like attracts like, need attracts need. If you don't like the image you are seeing, I think you will be very surprised to learn that when you change you and the way you love, that image will also change. Sometimes that mirror image may go away completely, or it may not be able to change, which is what I think happens in marriages that end in divorce. One person gets stuck and the other grows. The image is no longer compatible.

When images change, don't fight that loss for fear of being alone. Embrace that loss, that change, let it go and see what new reflection mirrors itself to you now. Then, adjust the picture as needed. Fine tune the image, let go of the fear, love from the heart and start living your bliss in your own field of gold.

You can contact me through my normal channels on or send an email message to or
Now you know (NYK) to seize the day! Pass it along and be A VOICE FOR CHANGE. There is opportunity around every corner.

Namaste (I bow to you), Donna Appel

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

HCG Day 20, Phase 1, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Questions? Visit for a host of info from recipes, FAQs, Dos and Don'ts to Keeping it Off and Testimonials. Still can't find the answer? Send us an email!

Happiness and great health always, Donna Appel

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cholesterol Facts From NMF

Get educated and save your life or the life of a loved one. This information was delivered in a recent conversation I had with the brilliant Edward W Pearson, MD, ABIHM. We were discussing the truth about cholesterol and statin drugs.

The Doctor explained the following which makes perfect sense to me:

1. There is really no 'bad' natural chemical in the body, therefore no "bad" cholesterol.

2. We become imbalanced and toxic with unnatural chemicals found in drugs, our food and water supply, etc.

3. High LDL / low HDL is a 'bad' ratio of natural compounds brought about by toxins and imbalances.

4. Cholesterol drugs do ONE thing, they artificially STOP / BLOCK the liver's enzyme and ability to create the LDL. This is an unnatural process.

5. LDL is being created as a natural response to stress / oxidation markers to the liver.

6. Simply stopping the production of LDL does nothing, and actually makes the body more sick.

7. The drugs are toxic, the liver is blocked and damaged (thus high liver enzymes), and the true causes of the high LDL, the stressors causing the signals, are ignored and even worsened.

8. Plaques in our arteries are actually like scabs and are made up of several compounds that are naturally there, responding to the problem in the "sick" arteries in the first place. The placque that is present is actually made up of white blood cells which are our key immune cells, platelets that help us to stop bleeding, LDL cholesterol which is an antioxident, along with a few other substances.

9. Antioxidants help prevent and/or repair damage to body cells.

9. By severely limiting the production of cholesterol the plaque can be a bit smaller, but the artery is still sick and now a host of other problems and side effects occur.

OMG this makes no sense to me at all. Why would you stop the production of cholesterol if its function as an antioxidant is to slow or prevent the oxidative damage caused by substances called free radicals (these are the bad guy cells). I won't get into explaining free radicals other than to tell you antioxidants help to combat them. I'll save free radicals for another discussion. Seems to me that we need to find out what is causing the elevated cholesterol in the first place. Stopping its production is insane. As I see it, it is only causing further damage and leading to problems like heart disease, diabetes, immune issues, infections, and cancers.

Want to listen to the doctor speak further on the subject? Click here

Cholesterol - Evil Nemesis Or Important Biomarker

As Dr. Edward pointed out, when the stressors are removed, which is what the New Medicine Foundation is able to facilitate, toxins are removed, deficiencies are restored and natural balance returns to the body. Amazing what a little detox, natural compound replacement and a ton of education can do in a matter of weeks.

And as Dr. Pearson further stated, "to think, big Pharma recently killed numerous patients in a study to create a drug to raise HDL". With his expertise and guidance, LDL typically drops dramatically as a side effect, upwards of 50-60 points or more in a few short weeks while treatment significantly raises HDL naturally, something big pharma has yet to discover and can only boast death as the result of trying to find the answer.

Truly a BILLION people in the world have high 'LDL' cholesterol and blood pressure issues. These are very obvious body stress markers and lets face it, we are stressed. New Medicine Foundation has the answer with their three pronged approach to health and wellness. They back their findings with very comprehensive scientific evidence and it's easy when you remove the toxins, balance hormones and get proper nutrition.

When will the insanity stop? It is my guess it will stop when we start to question and use logic as a guide when it comes to our health. When we realize and accept that our health shouldn't be used to keep the world economy afloat and the fat cats fat, maybe then the change that is needed will befall all of us. I'm not a doctor, nor a rocket scientist but I tell you once you venture down this path, you don't need to be. As Dr. Pearson says "this is not rocket science". I assure you, if I can understand it, so can you.

Until the change happens, be thankful for people like me, Dr. Edward W Pearson, the New Medicine Foundation and A Voice For Change. We are on the front lines helping to bring this information to the masses.

Dr. Edward W. Pearson received his undergraduate training in Microbiology and Chemistry from the University of Florida, and his medical degree with an Academic Excellence Award from the University of South Florida, College of Medicine. Being displeased with what he saw in conventional medicine, after completing his internship and a short time in a Physical Medicine residency, Dr. Pearson set out on his own to find the education that would teach him how to truly heal people and prevent the epidemics of chronic illness plaguing humanity.

He is now becoming a worldwide expert in the field of true, integrated healthcare, and is certified by the American Board of Integrative / Holistic Medicine. He receives ongoing training from the best educators in the world.

Donna Appel, Nutritional Consultant
A Voice for Change, LLC
Office 866.464.4931 / Cell 561.389.6958
22 South H Street, Lake Worth FL 33460

Monday, March 14, 2011

HCG Day 19, Phase 1, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day - Every man is free to rise as far as he’s able or willing but it is only the degree to which he thinks, that determines the degree to which he’ll rise. Ayn Rand

Remember your thoughts create your reality - think healthy, think lean, think thin. It can only help you be healthy, be lean and be thin - that and HCG are a winning combination.

Keep up the great work. You are breezing right through the first phase of the protocol. It will be over before you know it.

Questions? Visit for a host of info from recipes, FAQs, Dos and Don'ts to Keeping it Off and Testimonials. Still can't find the answer? Send us an email!

Happiness and great health always, Donna Appel

Saturday, March 12, 2011

HCG Day 18, Phase 1, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day - The point of power is always in the present moment. Unknown 

You have the power and the wisdom to succeed. Keep up the great work. You're doing an awesome job.

Remember that you are losing fat so quickly that your muscles may be a little weak. Nothing to be concerned about as it is just the fat that has disappeared that was interlaced with muscle tissue. It is being burned up so quickly that your muscle needs time to adjust back to its normal size. When you have lost that 3rd layer of fat, you will be amazed at how much better your muscles respond and work for you. For years, I had a hard time standing up from a squatting position. Now that my fat is gone, not only has my cellulite faded away (an added bonus), but my muscles feel like brand new. I can get right up from a squatting position. WOW! 

Questions? Visit for a host of info from recipes, FAQs, Dos and Don'ts to Keeping it Off and Testimonials. Still can't find the answer? Send us an email! 

Happiness and great health always, Donna Appel

Friday, March 11, 2011

HCG Day 17, Phase 1, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day - There is always a new and better way to experience life. Forgive and release the past. Move into joy especially now that you are on your way to meeting your weight loss / healthy body goals. Donna Appel 

Hint: Remember to make the scale your friend. It will help to gauge your future eating habits. Also remember to incorporate some sort of physical activity into your daily routine. AND you don't have to be a slave to the gym. Personally I hate gyms. I'd rather be outside walking, riding a bike, swimming, bowling, playing tennis or baseball or other physical sport. Parking your car in the furthest spot away from the store will help in days when you are strapped for time. Walk briskly to the store to make up the time difference and to facilitate your goal to MOVE!!! Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Take the dog for a walk instead of opening up the back door. Go to the park with your children and/or grandchildren and/or a neighbor’s child or even their pet or take an elder friend for a walk. Be creative. There is a lot that you can do without being a slave to a gym and without it having to cost you a dime. Cold where you live – try speed mall walking. Start your own group and step outside of your comfort zone.

Questions? Visit for a host of info from recipes, FAQs, Dos and Don'ts to Keeping it Off and Testimonials. Still can't find the answer? Send us an email!

Happiness and great health always, Donna Appel

Thursday, March 10, 2011

HCG Day 16, Phase 1, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the dayEvery day I breathe in the air, focus on my health goals and give thanks. Donna Appel

Are you keeping a positive attitude? Can you feel the difference on the inside of your body and see the difference on the outside?

Hint: Start to think about changes that you can make in your daily life that will facilitate your new way of feeling. The goal is to maintain this weight loss once you are done using the hCG. That takes planning and mental clarity on what you are trying to accomplish. It takes commitment to being aware of what you are putting into your body and why. Take time to reflect. Realize that candida / yeast are the cause of many of your cravings and it feeds on sugar. Depriving your body of sugar is killing the candida / yeast inside your body. Along with the death of candida / yeast comes the loss of cravings for foods that are detrimental.

Questions? Visit for a host of info from recipes, FAQs, Dos and Don'ts to Keeping it Off and Testimonials. Still can't find the answer? Send us an email!
Happiness and great health always, Donna Appel

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

HCG Day 15, Phase 1, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day - What you put your attention on grows. Put your attention on the new slimmer, healthy you and celebrate with a smile. Donna Appel 

You are focused on losing weight. You have the tools in place to make that happen. Your goal is getting closer each day. Celebrate.

Hint: Remember that new way of thinking we mentioned yesterday - reinforce that by taking another celebratory walk. Breathe in deep and cleanse your lungs while you're at it. Then give your cheeks a workout with a great big smile! You're doing an awesome job and are getting better and better every day, in every way.

Questions? Visit for a host of info from recipes, FAQs, Dos and Don'ts to Keeping it Off and testimonials.  Still can't find the answer? Send us an email!  

Happiness and great health always, Donna Appel

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

HCG Day 14, Phase 1, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day - There are no failures - just experiences and your reactions to them. Tom Krause

Your positive attitude is starting to show in everything you do, especially in the way you carry your body. You are on a roll and will soon be nearing the half way mark. If you haven't already, let me know how much weight you have lost.

Hint: Make sure you take a walk to celebrate your successes. Remember, that is the new way of thinking that you are now adopting. This will insure your long term success! Get out in nature and be thankful for all you are and all you have. You are doing an awesome job! Lucky you.

Questions? Visit for a host of info from recipes, FAQs, Dos and Don'ts to Keeping it Off and Testimonials. Still can't find the answer? Send us an email!

Happiness and great health always, Donna Appel

Sunday, March 6, 2011

This Little Piggy Went to Market ...

I didn't know that (IDKT) .... There is a pig farmer in Iowa that cuts off their pig's tails so they won't be bitten by other pigs?

Why you ask; because they are packed so tightly in pens and left that way for approx 5 months. After watching the movie "Food, Inc", I doubt they ever get to leave their cramped quarters during this approximate 5 month period which is the time it takes them to grow to full capacity, ready for slaughter. Their diet of corn and antibiotics, genetically modified corn laden w pesticides I might add, is a sure bet that they get to their full size in such a short amount of time.

Makes you want to run to the store and buy some pork right --- NOT!!!!

Now you know (NYK)! Pass it along and be A VOICE FOR CHANGE.

Namaste (I bow to you), Donna Appel

Info taken from an article by Bryan Walsh "The Real Cost of Cheap Food", "America's Food Crisis and How to Fix It" as found in the August 31st, 2009 issue of Time Magazine.

HCG Day 13, Phase 1, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day – Positive thoughts create positive realities. unknown

I am positive that you will succeed. I hope my reality is aligned with yours. If it isn't, email or call me so we can discuss. That is what I am here for.

And if I am a little tough at times, remember this as I quote Richard Brodie .... “Personal growth occurs when we allow our belief systems to flex and grow with us. When we develop an inflexible mind-set, we stay stuck with what we’ve got.”

Staying stuck is not in my mind set let alone my vocabulary. You hired me to coach you and that is what I will do to help you realize success. It’s not always easy but it is always done with love and commitment to never give up!

Now, remember to make sure your refrigerator is stocked and your food bowl is ready for the next day. Taking care of you last, is not an option! Shop after you have eaten a meal, not before. Give yourself every opportunity for success. Make sure you email me with your weight loss progress every couple of days.

Questions? Visit for a host of info from recipes, FAQs, Dos and Don'ts to Keeping it Off and Testimonials. Still can't find the answer? Send us an email!

Happiness and great health always, Donna Appel

Saturday, March 5, 2011

HCG Day 12, Phase 1, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day - Lessons can be learned through awareness. Be aware, open and grateful for the opportunities. unknown

Are you getting a little bored with the food? Try this recipe to help spice things up a bit. Remember too, rotate your food choices. Variety is the spice of life and will help get that weight off just a tad bit quicker. Don’t make this or any meal a habit. Experiment with things that are different and new.

Shrimp & Tomatoes - Season cleaned, peeled shrimp with sea salt and red pepper flakes (to your taste). Heat a non-stick pan and add cherry tomatoes (or a large tomato cut into small pieces - whatever your weight allotment is for this meal). Sauté until they just start to break down. Add shrimp and cook until they just start to turn pink (about 2 minutes). Flip shrimp over and cook another 2 minutes. Also works with other fish choices.

Every day is a opportunity to try something new. Enjoy!

Questions? Visit for a host of info from recipes, FAQs, Dos and Don'ts to Keeping it Off and Testimonials. Still can't find the answer? Send us an email!

Happiness and great health always, Donna Appel