Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Big News!

We've moved the blog to a new host and platform!

Come check it out!



Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Doctor Is In!

You're invited to join us for a chat
with Dr. Pearson

Connect with the team at New Medicine Foundation

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011
Start Time: 12:30pm Eastern Time - 9:30am Pacific Time

Have a question you would like to ask the Doctor?
Click here to send an email.
Even if you can't attend, the question will be answered and you can listen to the recording.

This is a great opportunity to get to know the man behind the revolution,
the man behind the science to great health and wellness. Ask any question you would like from male and female menopause issues, impotence, high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, weight loss, detoxification, hCG, etc.

The floor is all yours and the doctor has the answers.

This is a FREE conference for those interested in connecting.

Looking forward to meeting with everyone.
Great health and happiness always, Donna Appel

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

SOLUTION! (Now You Know)

An estimated 70% of all antibiotics used in the USA are given to farm animals.

Reduce your intake of non-organic meats, vegetables and fruits.
Buy local organic products when you are able.

For more information on healthy living and
an abundance of weight loss ideas
visit my website at

Namaste (I bow to you),

Contact me on or send an email message to or

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Weekly Meetup Teleconference Series

Cocaine-Sugarcane ... Is There a Difference?

Click to view this email in a browser
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Tuesday, July 19th, 2011
Start Time: 9:00pm Eastern Time - 6:00pm Pacific Time

Sign up today and join Donna Appel as she exposes the truth about SUGAR! Find out the facts so you can make changes in your life and stop the madness, stop the illness.
Time allotted for Q & A and open discussion.

I do hope we are able to connect as I am looking forward to sharing knowledge and helping everyone to stay lean, healthy and live vibrantly.

Conference replays available should you be unable to join us Tuesday evening.
Cost to Attend

Click here to register

Once payment is made, details for attending will follow.

Forward this message to a friend

To learn more about A Voice For Change, visit us on line or contact Donna personally at


Monday, July 18, 2011

FACT! (I Didn't Know That)

An estimated 70% of all antibiotics used in the USA are given to farm animals.

Watch for my SOLUTION to be posted tomorrow ...

Namaste (I bow to you),

Contact me on or send an email message to or

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

SOLUTION! (Now You Know)

Over the last two decades, rates of obesity have tripled in
children and adolescents age 6 to 19 years.

Start your own mini-revolution and go meatless for one day a week.

For more information on healthy living and
an abundance of weight loss ideas
visit my website at

Namaste (I bow to you),

Contact me on or send an email message to or

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

FACT! (I Didn't Know That)

Over the last two decades, rates of obesity have tripled in
children and adolescents age 6 to 19 years.

Watch for my SOLUTION to be posted tomorrow ...

Namaste (I bow to you),

Contact me on or send an email message to or

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Monday, July 11, 2011

HCG Day 9, Phase I, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day
 You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction. -George Lorimer

--- Tip --- Your determination is starting to show.  You should be feeling good now.  Toxins should be leaving your body and you should be feeling a bit better if you haven’t in the past.  Keep me posted on your progress.  I'm anxious to hear how you are feeling. 
I feel it imperative to repeat what is written in your manual too.  Some clients may begin to slow in their weight loss number and they need to be clear on what is happening during this process.  Refer to your manual for a list of Tips for Plateaus.  It is best to be prepared should you reach this stage.  Being negative doesn’t help the process and knowledge is power so read on…..

“The weight registered by the scale is determined by two processes not necessarily synchronized.  Under the influence of hCG, fat is being extracted from the cells, in which it is stored in the fatty tissue. When these cells are empty and therefore serve no purpose, the body breaks down the cellular structure and absorbs it, but breaking up of useless cells, connective tissue, blood vessels, etc., may lag behind the process of fat-extraction. When this happens the body appears to replace..."

To read more, visit my website

Namaste (I bow to you),

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Diabetes and Pro-Argi9 Plus

Diabetes complications can lead to heart attack, stroke, blindness and amputations.  Pro-Argi9 Plus makes the body more sensitive to glucose so diabetics can reduce their insulin dose and in many cases stop taking insulin all together.  Diabetics often suffer fom poor circulation and heart disease conditions, but these problems are greatly reduced and many times eliminated.

Click here to learn more

Namaste (I bow to you),

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This information is not intended to be taken as medical advice.  Do not alter or discontinue medical treatment or use of medications without the consent of your physician.  These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  Pro-Argi9 Plus is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  

Monday, May 9, 2011

HCG Day 5, Phase I, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day -- The past has no power over you unless you allow it to.  Give yourself a gift and live in the present.  Each moment has a new beginning that's just waiting to emerge!  - Donna Appel

-- Tip -- Keep your HCG routine going.  Are you hungry? Are you taking anything to help with appetite control? Many times, in the beginning the detoxification is major and can yield some unpleasantness.  Hang in there; drink plenty of fluids; rest.  It will get better.

If you must have a bite at breakfast, hold off as long as you can without discomfort and then eat a Kavli cracker (plain variety only) and/or some of your apple slices and a bottle of water or cup of tea.  Then around 11:00 take an herb appetite control capsule, if you have them, with a bottle of water and that should hold you over nicely.  Or just drink a cup of tea and a little more apple and get ready for lunch @ noon.

Experiment and do what feels good to your body.  The cracker and the fruit are terrific if used for those moments when hunger might creep in.  Then again, you may not experience hunger.  We are all different.  Celebrate those differences and adjust.  Just don't eat anything that isn't on the protocol.  That would be disastrous and would only hurt your effort.

Namaste (I bow to you), Donna

Contact me through my normal channels on or send an email message to or

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Reconnective Healing

Reconnective Healing® is often a life-changing experience, utilizing new frequencies to allow for the healing of the body, mind and spirit. Vastly different from Reiki, Johrei, Jin Shin, Qi gong or Pranic Healing, Reconnective Healing® is beyond any technique you've ever encountered.

These highly palpable energies are initiated by your Reconnective Healing Practitioner™ at the start of your session, and continue working with you long after your visit has ended. Through your participation in these sessions, you will be forever changed, operating at, and attuned to, a higher frequency than ever before.

Reconnective Healing™ sessions typically last 45 minutes, and one to three sessions are normally recommended, with most clients experiencing relief after the first session.

Visit my Reconnective Healing page at to scheudule your session.

Namaste (I bow to you), Donna

You can contact me through my normal channels on or

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Saturday, May 7, 2011


Visit our website for more info:

Have questions? Call or email: Toll Free: 866.464.4931 or


Discounted Pro-Argi9 Plus

Love Pro-Argi9 Plus?  Want to be a representative like I am and help others like I helped you?  Want to get your product a little cheaper?  Find out how.  Sign up today by visiting

Namaste (I bow to you),

This information is not intended to be taken as medical advice.  Do not alter or medical discontinue treatment or use of medications without the consent of your physician.  These statments have not been evaluated by the FDA.  Pro-Argi9 Plus is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


I {Heart} Happy Clients!

Dear Donna,

     I want to thank you for your weight loss program.  When I started your program, I weighed 147lbs. (I couldn't seem to lose weight even though my diet was so strict and I exercised so much.)  Lately I have been enjoying my new weight of 132 lbs!!!  I cannot thank you enough for helping me get to this point!

Gratefully, CT, Texas

Congratulations on your progress, Gratefully!!!
How exciting! I'm so proud I could burst!!

Namaste (I bow to you),

Contact me through my normal channels on or send an email message to or

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Friday, May 6, 2011

HCG WEIGHT LOSS - Get Access to Members Only Site

Sign up for unlimited access to learn more about supplements, get hCG recipes, hCG dos and don’ts, ideas to keep the weight off for good and food facts information. New information is being added all the time.

Click here to subscribe!

Namaste (I bow to you), Donna
You can contact me through my normal channels on or send an email message to or


Thursday, May 5, 2011

New Medicine Foundation Theory

NMF Theory The Cause: Toxins Everywhere! 

NMF believes the number one problem with everyday health and the largest known contributor to the epidemic of chronic illness is increasing toxicity. Since the Industrial Revolution, the Western consensus has been to create more synthetic, new-to-nature chemicals which, over time, build up in the body. Our inherent detoxification processes do not know what to do with these chemicals. As a result, direct and indirect health problems occur. As our food supply has become less natural, increasing toxic burden over the last few decades, when combined with the nutrient deficiencies of our current diets, further compounds our health problems. 

The Effect: 

Many toxins contain complex properties that affect different people in different ways. Most create a combination of neuro-endocrine disruption (imbalanced hormones), oxidative stress (aging) and inflammatory responses. In return, these hormonal imbalances and inflammatory responses cause other imbalances and symptoms that are then diagnosed as illness. The illness worsens as more undesirable compounds are used for symptom control, while the primary imbalances are left uncorrected. This has spawned the downward spiral of traditional healthcare and contributed to our current epidemic of chronic disease. 

NMF Philosophy At the dawn of the new millennium, humanity finds itself in its most serious crisis of recorded history... one which threatens our very existence. Our failing health and healthcare system is at the heart of this crisis. Our reliance on synthetic solutions for every aspect of life and health is quickly putting our survival in jeopardy while polluting the very world that sustains us. The New Medicine Foundation teaches the return to a completely natural and harmonious way of life with organic healing systems that efficiently and effectively restore a healthy balance to our bodies quickly, thus reversing and preventing disease. This teaches a way of life that will also re-educate our race to live in peace with nature. Exercising a more natural healthstyle is a necessity for our survival and longevity. 

New Medicine Foundation rises out of necessity and will continue to educate the public concerning what ‘health’ means. NMF created the Detoxification Network of America to deliver this message: To live completely free from toxic exposure in any civilized part of the world is currently implausible, but the more education and empowerment, the more manageable. 

NMF Science The Solution: New Medicine 

Some physicians are learning to view most unnatural symptoms as signs of toxicity and that the resulting imbalances must be identified and corrected. By looking at health markers even without symptoms and with current technology, most illnesses can be prevented years, even decades before some of the most common diagnostic symptoms arise. Most of the time this can be done organically without the use of ever increasing amounts of synthetic chemicals and invasive procedures. 

With specific focus on organic detoxification, hormonal regulation and proper nutritional balance, NMF physicians take people through a healing process as their bodies’ imbalances are corrected. When symptom controlling medications can be discarded, the body’s normal functioning and feeling improves and the health cycle then repeats more efficiently.

To learn more, please visit my website and click on New Medicine Foundation.

Namaste (I bow to you), Donna

You can contact me through my normal channels on or send an email message to or


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Another successful client ...

I love these emails …. 

"Donna, I wanted to tell you thank you for such a fantastic program!  It truly is one of my all time best, favorite purchases ever!  Right up there with cars and houses.  You make everything so simple and easy to follow.  As an educator, I could tell that you have done years of research on your program and it shows.  To date, I have lost 45 pounds over the past 4 months.  My head is clear and I have my energy back!   Most Gratefully, LVT, California"

Namaste (I bow to you), Donna

You can contact me through my normal channels on or send an email message to or

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Tasty Idea!

Shrimp & Spinach Salad
As taken from Caroline Sutherland's The Body "Knows" Cookbook:

1 bunch of washed and trimmed spinach
1/2 pound hand-peeled shrimp
Juice of one lemon or lime (may be omitted if sensitive to citrus)
1 teaspoon of fresh grated lemon rind
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar (may be omitted)
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 teaspoon grainy mustard
2 tablespoons toasted sesame seeds

Wash & pat dry trimmed spinach. In a small bowl, combine lemon or lime juice, lemon rind, olive oil, vinegar, mayonnaise & grainy mustard. Toss 1/2 of dressing with spinach just before serving. Sprinkle shrimp over salad, add remaining dressing and sprinkle w sesame seeds.


Namaste (I bow to you), Donna
You can contact me through my normal channels on or send an email message to or

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Monday, May 2, 2011

Are you A Voice for Change?

Do you want to have your say in who you and others choose when it comes to things that we all must use?  You need to check out Ampegy!

Why Ampegy?

More Markets. More Opportunity.
Ampegy is opening operations by selling deregulated electricity and natural gas services in 7 states.

Experienced Industry Leaders.
Ampegy has the most experienced team of leaders in the industry with a proven record of success that you can count on.

The Ampegy Family.
Ampegy provides Independent Representatives the potential to earn multiple revenue streams by maximizing opportunities within the deregulated energy industry. Ampegy is an affiliate of Spark Energy and enjoys a mutually beneficial relationship with arguably one of the fastest growing energy providers in America.

To put it simply, Ampegy is your avenue to personal, professional, and financial fulfillment. This company truly is in a league of its own when it comes to providing incredible opportunities for you and your family. We hope you decide to take advantage of the most lucrative opportunity of your life and join the Ampegy team today!

Click here to contact me for more information.  You won't be sorry you did!

Namaste (I bow to you),


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Sunday, May 1, 2011

HCG Day 14, Phase II, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day -- Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create that fact. -William James

-- Tip --Your belief in your ability has gotten you this far.  You've created a new you; a new way of thinking; a new way of feeling; a new way of being.  Don't loose sight of "the new way".  Look for things that are new.  Look for new ways of continually improving each and every day.  Enjoy!

Namaste (I bow to you), Donna

You can contact me through my normal channels on or send an email message to or

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Saturday, April 30, 2011

HCG Day 16, Phase II, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day -- Many people scoff at mantras but they work - Give it a try and start to shift your thought patterns -  
"I am healthy, whole and complete in my new body.  I cherish the changes and honor the process."

-- Tip -- Words spoken to yourself do count.  Keep your self chatter on a positive note.  Keep your mind and thoughts focused on your success.  If you have more weight that you would like to lose, honor the process and give it a rest.  Live in your new body for a month.  Make sure you have changed your old patterns of relating to food.  This is important if you are going to keep the weight off.  Then move on to beginning the process again.  But for now, just continue with the completion of Phase II.  Remember to enjoy!

Namaste (I bow to you), Donna
You can contact me through my normal channels on or send an email message to or
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Friday, April 29, 2011

Ampegy and Spark Energy - DeRegulation

Who is Ampegy?  Who is Spark Energy?  In a nutshell, Ampegy has a unique affiliate relationship with Spark Energy who is a pioneer in the retail energy business.  As an affiliate, Ampegy is able to offer distinctive pricing packages on Spark's residential natural gas and electricity services.  Want to learn more?


Now You Know (NYK),

Namaste (I bow to you), Donna

Thursday, April 28, 2011

HCG Day 42, Phase I, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day – Escape is easier than change. -Unknown

-- Tip --Today is your last day of using hCG. Are you prepared for what lies ahead of you? Are you getting ready to waltz into Phase II with a sound plan that will support your efforts and not bring you back to acting in old patterns? Get a game plan in place. Re-read my book, investigate ways to make your changes permanent. Sign up for my EFT training program. I will teach you how to change subconscious thoughts. It is quick and easy and once the technique is learned, you’ll be able to go off and practice at your own pace and make other amazing changes in your life, not those just centered around food and eating.

Namaste (I bow to you),

You can contact me through my normal channels on
or send an email message to or

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Deregulation - Make your Own Choice!

Did you know if you live in California, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania or Texas you can see if you have the option of choice for your electric and/or gas service provider.  

If you're lucky enough to have a choice, you also have the opportunity of  being able to cash in on an unheard of offer of getting 3% cash back on your "Spark" energy bill?

Want to find out more and see if you qualify? 

Know lots of people in those states and want to pass along the word and earn a little extra cash in the process?  Visit today and find out how. This is an exciting ground floor opportunity similar to that experienced in the days of the deregulation of the telephone industry.

Don't miss out so that you too can be A Voice For Change!

Namaste (I bow to you),

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Why you should use ProArgi-9

Did you know Dr. Joseph Prendergast, the formulator of ProArgi-9 Plus was awarded the American Diabetes Association's highest honor "Father of the Year" 2008 for saving diabetic lives. 

Find out why.  Watch this

Namaste (I bow to you),

This information is not intended to be taken as medical advice.  Do not alter or discontinue medical treatment or use of medications without the consent of your physician.  These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  Pro-Argi9 Plus is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 

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Monday, April 25, 2011

HCG Day 17, Phase II, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day -- The values we live by are worth more when we pass them on.  -Author Unknown

--TIP-- Now that you have discovered something that works like nothing else you have ever tired before, pass it along.   Don't forget about getting your hormones checked out.  Physical imbalances can cause weight gain and addictive behaviors.  Don't let eating get out of hand again.  Contact your coach for further direction beyond weight loss.  This is critical for long term success.  When you are done with Phase II, check out our website under weight loss for everyday healthy recipes and other ideas for maintaining control and great health.

Namaste (I bow to you),

You can contact me through my normal channels on
or send an email message to or

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

HCG Day 12, Phase I, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day -- Lessons can be learned through awareness.  Be aware, open and grateful for the opportunities.  -Author Unknown

--Tip -- Are you getting a little bored with the food?  Try this recipe to help spice things up a bit.  Remember too,  rotate your food choices.  Variety is the spice of life and will help get that weight off just a tad bit quicker.  Don’t make this or any meal a habit.  Experiment with things that are different and new. 

Shrimp & Tomatoes - Season cleaned, peeled shrimp with sea salt and red pepper flakes (to your taste).  Heat a non-stick pan and add cherry tomatoes (or a large tomato cut into small pieces - whatever your weight allotment is for this meal).  Sauté until they just start to break down.  Add shrimp and cook until they just start to turn pink (about 2 minutes).  Flip shrimp over and cook another 2 minutes.  Also works with other fish choices. 

Every day is a opportunity to try something new.  Enjoy!

Namaste (I bow to you),


You can contact me through my normal channels on
or send an email message to or

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Experiencing Shortness of Breath or Pulmonary Hypertension?

Do you suffer from shortness of breath or pulmonary hypertension?  Did you know that L-arginine increases circulation so effectively that more oxygenated blood is delivered to the lungs.  Want to learn more about this vital amino acid that plays a number of physiological functions in the human body?  Want to learn more about the benefits derived from Pro-Argi9 Plus?

Watch this

Namaste (I bow to you),

This information is not intended to be taken as medical advice.  Do not alter or discontinue medical treatment or use of medications without the consent of your physician.  These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  Pro-Argi9 Plus is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 

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