Monday, February 21, 2011

HCG Day 11, Phase 1, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day – No man who is occupied in doing a very difficult thing and doing it well, ever loses his self respect. George Bernard Shaw

Tip: You are probably feeling petty comfortable now. You have the routine down and the weight is coming off at a steady pace. Don't let go of that. Don't get lazy. Keep the refrigerator stocked and your food bowl full on a daily basis. If you aren't losing as quickly as you thought you would and you have been eating beef, try giving it up for a few days and see what happens. Seafood is a lower fat/calorie alternative for our protein portion. Also, if constipation is starting to set in, it is OK to take a fiber cap or two daily or drink a little Smooth Move (Senna) tea.

You may or may not reach a plateau. If you do, be prepared. Here is some helpful information.

Tips for Plateaus -
1. Increase water intake a quart or two a day.

2. Add a glass or two of green tea to your daily routine.

3. Stop eating beef completely.
4. Oranges, shrimp and tomatoes can stall some people. Try avoiding these foods and see what happens.
5. Check your garlic salt. Many of them have more in their contents than just garlic and salt. This is true of any salt seasoning. Better to have a supply of pure garlic powder and pure sea salt on hand and combining them as you season.
6. If you thought you could mix your vegetables - STOP! Only one veggie is permitted per meal.

7. Constipated? Try Smooth Move or other Senna type tea.

8. Are into your monthly cycle? If you are, don’t fret. Just keep on doing what you are doing. This too will pass and is part of life.

9. Are you on HRT (hormone replace therapy)? If you are taking it in cream form, it could be contributing to your lack of weight loss. Consult your physician and see if you can stop using the product until you are done with the HCG (Phase I).
10. Stop eating breadsticks or crackers.

11. Try including 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your daily routine. Some individuals have claimed that it helped them get over the slump. You can dilute it with some water and drink it. I used to use it as a cleanse. It is worth a try if you are so inclined.

Questions? Visit for a host of info from recipes, FAQs, Dos and Don'ts to Keeping it Off and Testimonials. Still can't find the answer? Send us an email!
Happiness and great health always, Donna Appel

Sunday, February 20, 2011

HCG Day 10, Phase 1, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day – A mantra to repeat...I create a life that is filled with rewards other than food. Donna Appel

Reminder - stay away from cosmetics, creams and lotions. Most contain oils of some sort. If you can, avoid putting anything on your skin. Face powder or mineral makeup is allowed but give your skin the opportunity to breathe as much as possible. If your skin is overly dry, try using a dry brush. You can purchase them in a health food store. It may seem rough at first, but your body will quickly take to dry brushing within a few attempts and you'll love the feel when you're done. It only takes a minute to gently run the brush over all parts of your dry body. You will be amazed at how it will cleanse your body of dry cells and stimulate circulation.

Questions? Visit for a host of info from recipes, FAQs, Dos and Don'ts to Keeping it Off and Testimonials. Still can't find the answer? Send us an email!

Happiness and great health always, Donna Appel

Saturday, February 19, 2011

And Another Happy Weight Loss Detox Client

This message was received Saturday, February 19th.

Good News! Last week I could not button the bottom two buttons of my XL woman's uniform top I needed for volunteering at the Musical Instrument Museum.   I was considering opening up the sides or just buying one size larger to fit over this stomach and hips. Today I tried it on again and I fit it perfectly. What a joy to look better in my clothes. Hurray!!!!   TM, Arizona

Remember you too can get back into your too tight clothing, rid yourself of candida yeast, excess belly fat and that stored fat that's impossible to get rid of. Good bye cellulite.  Detox your body at the cell level from the inside out.

Find out how by visiting A Voice for Change today. For information on hormone balancing and an hCG injectable program, visit me at the new medicine foundation by clicking this link or emailing donna directly at New Medicine.

HCG Day 9, Phase 1, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day – You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction. - George Lorimer

Your determination is starting to show. You should be feeling good now. Toxins should be leaving your body and you should be feeling a bit better if you haven’t in the past. Keep me posted on your progress. I'm anxious to hear how you are feeling.

I feel it imperative to repeat what is written in your manual too. Some clients may begin to slow in their weight loss number and they need to be clear on what is happening during this process. Refer to your manual for a list of Tips for Plateaus. It is best to be prepared should you reach this stage. Being negative doesn’t help the process and knowledge is power so read on…..

“The weight registered by the scale is determined by two processes not necessarily synchronized. Under the influence of hCG, fat is being extracted from the cells, in which it is stored in the fatty tissue. When these cells are empty and therefore serve no purpose, the body breaks down the cellular structure and absorbs it, but breaking up of useless cells, connective tissue, blood vessels, etc., may lag behind the process of fat-extraction. When this happens the body appears to replace some of the extracted fat with water which is retained for this purpose. As water is heavier than fat the scales may show no loss of weight, although sufficient fat has actually been consumed to make up for the deficit in the 500-Calorie diet. When then such tissue is finally broken down, the water is liberated and there is a sudden flood of urine and a marked loss of weight.”

“After the fourth or fifth day of dieting the daily loss of weight begins to decrease to one pound or somewhat less per day, and there is a smaller urinary output. Men often continue to lose regularly at that rate, but women are more irregular in spite of faultless dieting. There may be no drop at all for two or three days and then a sudden loss which reestablishes the normal average. These fluctuations are entirely due to variations in the retention and elimination of water, which are more marked in women than in men.”

A plateau lasts 4-6 days and frequently occurs during the second half of a full course, particularly in patients that have been doing well and whose overall average of nearly a pound per effective injection has been maintained. Those who are losing more than the average all have a plateau sooner or later. A plateau always corrects itself, but many patients who have become accustomed to a regular daily loss get unnecessarily worried and begin to fret. No amount of explanation convinces them that a plateau does not mean that they are no longer responding normally to treatment.”

A plateau can also occur a few days before and during a woman’s menstrual period and again during ovulation. As with the above mentioned plateau, it will always correct itself and should not be a reason for concern.

Now get out there and enjoy your day and know that you are worthy of change and commitment to yourself.

Questions? Visit for a host of info from recipes, FAQs, Dos and Don'ts to Keeping it Off and Testimonials. Still can't find the answer? Send us an email!
Happiness and great health always, Donna Appel

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Another Happy Weight Loss Client

This message was received Wednesday, February 16th. 

My weight this morning was 184.5, which is a loss of 13.5 pounds since day 1. Today was day 11 for me.   I'm feeling great and you are so right that it's not hard at all if one just follows the program. :) 

Remember you too can rid yourself of candida yeast, excess belly fat and that stored fat that's impossible to get rid of.  Good bye cellulite and detox your body at the cell level from the inside out.  Find out how by visiting A Voice for Change today.   For information on hormone balancing and an hCG injectable program, visit me at the new medicine foundation by clicking this link or emailing donna directly at New Medicine

HCG Day 8, Phase 1, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day – "Our problems cannot be resolved in the same state of consciousness in which we’ve created them” - Einstein

You are into week 2 already. Your body will start changing now. Don't forget to work on your mind. Changing habits is best begun by being aware. If you accustom to eating in front of the TV, stop doing that. Start being a conscious eater. Start working on changes that will stay with you the rest of your life. Start working on changes that will keep you healthy and lean the rest of your life. You are on your way to great success.

Congrats to you for taking the first steps. Enjoy your day.

Questions? Visit for a host of info from recipes, FAQs, Dos and Don'ts to Keeping it Off and Testimonials. Still can't find the answer? Send us an email!

Happiness and great health always, Donna Appel

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

HCG Day 7, Phase I, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day – You are actually cleansing your body, so cleanse your mind too. Make a decision to be willing to change. Make a decision to be kind and caring to your body. Awareness is the first step to healing and changing. donna appel

You have made it a week. Let me know how you are doing and how much weight you have lost. Any issues we need to discuss? Never hesitate to ask. I'm here to support and guide you every step of the way ... and remember to weigh and record both body weight and the foods that you intake.

Here is a great short story to add to the motivation of this day, to remind you that every situation has a purpose ... Carpe diem - aka – Seize the day! The Obstacle in Our Path

In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the King's' wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way.

Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway.

The peasant learned what many of us never understand! Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.

Questions? Visit for a host of info from recipes, FAQs, Dos and Don'ts to Keeping it Off and Testimonials. Still can't find the answer? Send us an email!

Happiness and great health always, Donna Appel

Monday, February 14, 2011

HCG Day 6, Phase I Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day – The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination. Tommy Lasorda

How are you feeling? Are you noticing anything different? Have you settled into a routine?

Tip: If you eat steak every day, your weight loss will not be as significant. Make sure you switch that protein selection around. Lower calorie protein will allow you to eat a bit more vegetable, from a calorie standpoint. American beef is very high in fat content. If you do eat beef, make sure it is lean, organic grass fed beef if possible.

Questions? Visit for a host of info from recipes, FAQs, Dos and Don'ts to Keeping it Off and Testimonials. Still can't find the answer? Send us an email!

Happiness and great health always, Donna Appel

Sunday, February 13, 2011

HCG Day 5, Phase I Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day - The past has no power over you unless you allow it to.  Give yourself a gift and live in the present. Each moment has a new beginning that's just waiting to emerge! donna appel
Keep your HCG routine going.  Are you hungry? Are you taking anything to help with appetite control?  Many times, in the beginning, the detoxification is major and can yield some unpleasantries.  Hang in there, drink plenty of fluids, rest.  It will get better. 

Tip: If you must have a bite at breakfast, hold off as long as you can without discomfort and then eat a Kavli cracker (plain variety only) and/or some of your apple slices and a bottle of water or cup of tea. Then around 11:00 take an herb appetite control capsule if you have them, with a bottle of water and that should hold you over nicely.  Or just drink a cup of tea and a little more apple and get ready for lunch @ noon. 

Experiment and do what feels good to your body. The cracker and the fruit are terrific if used for those moments when hunger might creep in. Then again, you may not experience hunger. We are all different.  Celebrate those differences and adjust. Just don't eat anything that isn't on the protocol.  That would be disastrous and would only hurt your effort.

Questions? Visit for a host of info from recipes, FAQs, Dos and Don'ts to Keeping it Off and Testimonials. Still can't find the answer? Send us an email!
Happiness and great health always, Donna Appel

HCG Day 4, Phase I Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day - There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul. Ella Wheeler Wilcox 1850-1919

Make sure you keep your frig stocked so you never have to scramble for what you will eat. The easiest way to stay on the protocol and lose the approximate weight  effortlessly, is to always be prepared.  Be a good scout ..... shop, weigh, wrap and prepare your food bowl for the next day and, do it the night before.

Wake in the morning and don't think about what you will eat. All you need do is grab and run. Hint ....have a little toaster oven... use it to broil your protein - only takes a minute or two. I always have my meat presliced so when I'm done broiling - I broil on a piece of aluminum foil - I use the same foil to wrap my protein and then wrap that package additionally in a piece of plastic wrap. I grab my prepackaged veggie and my fruit and I'm good to go until dinner time. When I'm at work and I get hungry, my food is precooked and ready to eat at a moments notice.

Questions? Visit for a host of info from recipes, FAQs, Dos and Don'ts to Keeping it Off and Testimonials. Still can't find the answer? Send us an email!
Happiness and great health always, Donna Appel

Saturday, February 12, 2011

HCG Day 3, Phase I Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day - Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe. Gail Devers

Today is day three. Get up and weigh in, record your weight and take your hCG. 
AND today is the first day to begin your 500 calorie per day eating. If you didn't pick your food for the day the night before, do it in the morning. The easiest thing to do is put your daily 500 calories of food into a food bowl that you store in the refrigerator. Then all you need to do is grab and go. The less thinking you do, the better. Concentrate on getting a little exercise. Get outside and take a walk. Smell the roses! Make sure you have read your manual and understand what is about to happen. You are on your way to good health and vitality.

Questions? Visit for a host of info from recipes, FAQs, Dos and Don'ts to Keeping it Off and Testimonials. Still can't find the answer? Send us an email!

Happiness and great health always, Donna Appel

Friday, February 11, 2011

HCG Day 2, Phase I Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day - Thinking about where you’ve been or what you did wrong in the past are not productive in leading an inspired life.  Be totally engaged in the now.  Enjoy the journey.  donna appel

Today is day two. Get up and weigh in, record your weight and take your hCG.   Enjoy the last day of your "pig out"!  Remember, lay off the sugar - you are aiming for increasing fat consumption not a sugar spike. AND get ready to begin your 500 calorie per day eating tomorrow. Shop, weigh, wrap - get prepared for the next few days. Read your book.

Whatever you do, have fun eating - bulk up on the fat - and get ready for the weight loss phase to begin tomorrow!

Questions? Visit for a host of info from recipes, FAQs, Dos and Don'ts to Keeping it Off and Testimonials. Still can't find the answer? Send us an email!

Happiness and great health always, Donna Appel

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

HCG Day 1 Phase I Weight Loss Tips, Hints and Inspiration

Thought for the day - Nothing we ever imagined is beyond our power, only beyond our present self-knowledge. Theodore Rozak

Today is day one. You get to "pig out" today.  Get up and weigh in, record your weight and take your hCG.  Bulk up on the fat more than the sugar.  It is the fat you need not the sugar rush.   Remember, the more you fatten up today and tomorrow, the easiser it will be hunger wise, when day three rolls around. 

Questions?  Visit for a host of info from recipes, FAQs, Dos and Don'ts to Keeping it Off and Testimonials.  Still can't find the answer?  Send us an email!

Happiness and great health always, Donna Appel