Get educated and save your life or the life of a loved one. This information was delivered in a recent conversation I had with the brilliant Edward W Pearson, MD, ABIHM. We were discussing the truth about cholesterol and statin drugs.
The Doctor explained the following which makes perfect sense to me:
1. There is really no 'bad' natural chemical in the body, therefore no "bad" cholesterol.
2. We become imbalanced and toxic with unnatural chemicals found in drugs, our food and water supply, etc.
3. High LDL / low HDL is a 'bad' ratio of natural compounds brought about by toxins and imbalances.
4. Cholesterol drugs do ONE thing, they artificially STOP / BLOCK the liver's enzyme and ability to create the LDL. This is an unnatural process.
5. LDL is being created as a natural response to stress / oxidation signals to the liver.
6. Simply stopping the production of LDL does nothing, and actually makes the body more sick.
7. The drugs are toxic, the liver is blocked and damaged (thus high liver enzymes), and the true causes of the high LDL, the stressors causing the signals, are ignored and even worsened.
8. Plaques in our arteries are actually like scabs and are made up of several compounds that are naturally there, responding to the problem in the "sick" arteries in the first place. The placque that is present is actually made up of white blood cells which are our key immune cells, platelets that help us to stop bleeding, LDL cholesterol which is an antioxident, along with a few other substances.
9. Antioxidants help prevent and/or repair damage to body cells.
10. By severely limiting the production of cholesterol the plaque can be a bit smaller, but the artery is still sick and now a host of other problems and side effects occur. If the same was attempted by reducing white blood cells or platelets, the side effects would be lethal.
OMG this makes no sense to me at all. Why would you stop the production of cholesterol if its function as an antioxidant is to slow or prevent the oxidative damage caused by substances called free radicals (these are the bad guy cells). I won't get into explaining free radicals other than to tell you antioxidants help to combat them. I'll save free radicals for another discussion. Seems to me that we need to find out what is causing the elevated cholesterol in the first place. Stopping its production is insane. As I see it, it is only causing further damage and leading to problems like heart disease, diabetes, immune issues, infections, and cancers.
Want to listen to the doctor speak further on the subject? Click here -
Cholesterol - Evil Nemesis Or Important Biomarker
As Dr. Edward pointed out, when the stressors are removed, which is what the New Medicine Foundation is able to facilitate, toxins are removed, deficiencies are restored and natural balance returns to the body. Amazing what a little detox, natural compound replacement and a ton of education can do in a matter of weeks.
And as Dr. Edward further stated, "to think, big Pharma recently killed numerous patients in a study to create a drug to raise HDL". With his expertise and guidance, LDL typically drops dramatically as a side effect, upwards of 50-60 points or more in a few short weeks while treatment significantly raises HDL naturally, something big pharma has yet to discover and can only boast death as the result of trying to find the answer.
Truly a BILLION people in the world have high 'LDL' cholesterol and blood pressure issues. These are very obvious body stress markers and lets face it, we are stressed in more ways than we can imagine. New Medicine Foundation has the answer with their three-pronged approach to health and wellness. They back their findings with very comprehensive scientific evidence and it's easy when you remove the toxins, balance hormones and get proper nutrition.
When will the insanity stop? It is my guess it will stop when we start to question and use logic as a guide when it comes to our health. When we realize and accept that our health shouldn't be used to keep the world economy afloat and the fat cats fat, maybe then the change that is needed will befall all of us. I am not a doctor, nor a rocket scientist but I tell you once you venture down this path, you don't need to be. As Dr. Pearson says "this is not rocket science". I assure you, if I can understand it, so can you.
Until the change happens, be thankful for people like me, Dr. Edward W. Pearson, the New Medicine Foundation and A Voice For Change. We are on the front lines helping to bring this information and education to the masses. To find out more, email Donna or visit the New Medicine Foundation website.
About the doctor --- Dr. Edward W. Pearson received his undergraduate training in Microbiology and Chemistry from the University of Florida, and his medical degree with an Academic Excellence Award from the University of South Florida, College of Medicine. Being displeased with what he saw in conventional medicine, after completing his internship and a short time in a Physical Medicine residency, Dr. Pearson set out on his own to find the education that would teach him how to truly heal people and prevent the epidemics of chronic illness plaguing humanity. He is now becoming a worldwide expert in the field of true, integrated healthcare, and is certified by the American Board of Integrative / Holistic Medicine. He receives ongoing training from the best educators in the world.
To learn more, visit my site and find out about my affiliation with the New Medicine Foundation. In addition to facilitating A Voice For Change, I am also a Health Style Counselor under the direction of Dr Edward Pearson. He is the leader in understanding hormones, all of them and not just the misunderstood few. He is an educator and a pioneer and is starting a "health care" revolution leading the way to keeping us out of the "sick care" environment of current day medicine and pharmaceutical drugs. I want to be at the head of the line on that quest.
You can contact me through my normal channels on or send an email message to or
Now you know (NYK)! Pass it along and be A VOICE FOR CHANGE.
Namaste (I bow to you), Donna