Wednesday, June 12, 2024



If it is to be it is up to, WE THE PEOPLE. 

Thank you, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and founder of Brighteon for being a super WE THE PEOPLE person. I support your efforts 110%. You are always putting others first and I’m grateful. 

Now for the rest of WE THE PEOPLE. Join Brighteon.AI efforts to preserve and decentralize human knowledge before it's too late. 

A coordinate effort is under way to "reset" human knowledge and enslave people with ignorance, censorship and falsehoods 

As Mike Adams explained, “Through censorship, "fact-checking," so-called "misinformation" initiatives and paid propaganda, the powers that be are trying to memory hole human knowledge of immune function, nutrition and disease prevention (among many other topics). They are attacking farms across Europe, trying to destroy the very concept of growing food for a sustainable civilization. Everywhere you turn today, human knowledge is under assault by globalist-oriented, anti-human corporations, governments, regulators and non-profit groups that are actively attempting to achieve a "global reset" that involves the mass extermination of billions of human beings through engineered famine, war and depopulation via biological weapons which are deceptively named "vaccines." 

Here at the Consumer Wellness Center data science division, we believe that access to knowledge is a fundamental human right. And we aim to preserve human knowledge using the best technology available today. 

Google, on the other hand, weaponizes its search engine and YouTube platform to squelch human knowledge in an effort to keep everyone functionally illiterate, ignorant and obedient to globalist agendas.

We reject Google's agenda of forced human ignorance. That's why we are building tools and infrastructure that will largely make Google obsolete. Brighteon.AI is the distribution hub for a series of upcoming non-commercial, non-profit Large Language Models (LLMs) that aim to preserve human knowledge and empower human beings with that knowledge, even as Big Tech, Big Government, Big Pharma and other nefarious groups are actively trying to destroy it. 

We are building and releasing non-commercial, free-to-use LLMs that are trained on an ever-expanding set of critical human knowledge about food, nutrition, farming, permaculture, herbs, indigenous medicine, alternative medicine, off-grid survival, sustainability and other critical knowledge areas that have kept human civilization alive.

Consider us to be a kind of "Arctic seed bank" of human knowledge that the globalists are trying to eradicate from human history. Brighteon.AI is one answer to coordinated censorship, and it allows users to stop relying on Google, pharma-funded corporate media or nefarious governments to provide you with (distorted) information.”

I’m the first to admit this technology is beyond me.  It’s all Greek to me BUT for those that are tech savvy, it won’t be.  BUT it is something that you need to be aware of for the future.  At least someone is working on alternatives.  Google, Youtube, Microsoft and Wikipedia are not our friends.

Join Brighteon.AI efforts to preserve and decentralize human knowledge before it's too late.  Tell them Donna Appel from A Voice For Change sent you. 

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