Friday, June 21, 2024

I've Got Your Back!


Here’s how ... Here’s why

I’ve got your back when it comes to health and all the related information that is circulating around the internet these days.  The hype on cancer rates increasing 77% by the year 2050 (from 2020), is chilling.  Fear is their control mechanism.  Why; because it works.

But this is what people need to know…. it is all entirely avoidable.  It won’t be easy, but lifestyle changes are in order and so is being aware of all the technology that has been hidden from us.  Fear needs to be abolished.  FEAR  FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL.

I’ve personally experienced and/or own much of the technology that is being introduced today.  What I plan on doing is showing you through my A Voice For Change portal, just what has been hidden and I’ll show you and explain how it works.  I will show you firsthand because EVERYTHING I teach, I use myself or have used at some point in time.  I am going to share ALL my first-hand knowledge with you so that you too can explore your options. 

I’ve been at this for more than 30 years.  I’ve run the gamut of alternative health options from Red Light Therapy, EMF Protection, Radiation Protection, Grounding, Earthing, Urotherapy, Foot Baths, Vibration Plates, Saunas, Acupuncture, Massage, Frequency Devices, Sound Therapy, EE Systems, Meditation, EFT, Psych K, Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Organic Foods, Diets, Supplements, Energy Patches, Detox Protocols, Herbal Remedies to some that I’ve forgotten to mention I’m sure.  I’ll cover them all and share my experience and updates on the latest in research and experiences of other people that have tried.  I’ll also share my experiences using Western (America’s so called “modern medicine”).

Please be aware that WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT.  There are no cookie cutter options in the one size fits all world that has been pushed down our throats.  Literally, you say BIG PHARMA. I refer to them as BIG HARMA.  That’s what they do.  They don’t offer solutions for healing.  Just pills to cover up symptoms.  And if this pill doesn’t work, here, try this other pill.  If that doesn’t work, they’ll have a third and a fourth and so on. 

Pills are not the answer.  When consulting with your health care provider, you can’t avoid talking about food intake and environmental toxin consumption when devising a plan of action to get rid of any malady.  There are no magic pills or one size fits all remedies that can heal your body.  AND I promise you, God didn’t make junk.  If you know how and what to do, your body can heal itself but it does require you to be a good patron of your body and give it what it needs so that it can heal. 

If you are specifically looking at cancer, you must realize the fact that obesity, alcohol, water and air pollution, toxic food, and toxic environments are factors that one needs to consider that have become triggers for the diagnosis of cancer.  It isn’t something you are destined to become because mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, etc. had it.  DNA is not the cause.  What I will share will point the finger at the real cause and then I’ll provide real solutions that won’t break the bank….

And it isn’t just cancer.  Autoimmune and other diseases, chronic illnesses, depression, fibromyalgia, weight issues, parasites, Lyme disease, etc., etc., are all manageable and in most cases, reversible.  I’m going to share that information with you along with a pile of other information so that you can get the facts and act, accordingly, walking a path that will help to serve your individual needs. 

Yes, solutions to the pollutions.  It’s not deficiencies, it’s toxicities.  You can’t just give out the facts about any ill health topic without offering solutions to lead you in the direction of correcting the challenge.  A good coach will help you explore why you may have gotten the ABC challenge in the first place.  AND a good coach will also explain solutions that you can try to help get you out of the muck.  AND believe me, there are a lot of options these days.  One size doesn’t fit all either.     

An educated mind that isn’t planted with solutions is an educated mind without direction.  You need the flip side of the coin so that you can be proactive, productive and serve your higher self.  Health is challenging enough these days without offering solutions that the coach you follow has not personally tried and tested.  We don’t need more repeaters, we need reporters; people providing firsthand facts based on their personal experience and their own hands-on research. 

Did you know that the epidemic that has been wandering around the planet for the past four or so years is really a plandemic?  It was all planned.  If you are not on that page yet, let me know and I will personally send you oodles of info to prove it to you.  It is important because you’ll have a very hard time keeping healthy if you don’t understand what is causing your illness. 

Have you been keeping up with the latest in health news?  Do you follow scientific research doctors and scientists that are exposing the truth?  Have you been keeping up with the topic of venoms being spread through vaccines, our water supply, and arial spraying?  Do you know how long we have been exposed to poisonous toxins and venoms from a variety of creatures on our planet? 

Like it or not, it’s true and I can prove it by sharing information with you.  The information I share is backed up and proven and, in many instances, it is coming right from the mouths of those we are trusting to keep us safe that actually have a hidden agenda.  It is a hard pill to swallow but the truth must be told if we are going to save lives and help humanity survive.  Now you know my why!  Why I do what I do.     

Research scientist and doctors that I follow are sharing what they are discovering as fast as they possibly can.  They are on the front lines risking life and limb to help save humanity from the dark forces that we are now being forced to confront. 

Our planet is getting sicker and sicker and it has NOTHING to do with climate change and everything to do with censorship and corruption.  I see that as the biggest threat to humanity.  Let me help you start to heal from the inside out and then from the outside in.  Your environment matters both internal and external. 

If you want to make a change, if you can help get the truth out to the masses, and if you want to start to live according to the truth and not by the rules that the self serving have been dictating to us for decades, then I invite you to join me on my Substack page and learn.

Sign up and join our Health and Wellness community.  We will be sharing information on all levels of health and wellness with recorded broadcasts, newsletters and other information including natural solutions to keep people safe as we navigate these turbulent waters.  Join us and stay united.  I’ll be there ready to help you when you are ready to heal, take control of your life and start living a more community focused lifestyle.  No need to feel confused, overwhelmed, or stuck.  I can help take away the frustration and keep you on a path to a better tomorrow.


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