Saturday, April 30, 2011

HCG Day 16, Phase II, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day -- Many people scoff at mantras but they work - Give it a try and start to shift your thought patterns -  
"I am healthy, whole and complete in my new body.  I cherish the changes and honor the process."

-- Tip -- Words spoken to yourself do count.  Keep your self chatter on a positive note.  Keep your mind and thoughts focused on your success.  If you have more weight that you would like to lose, honor the process and give it a rest.  Live in your new body for a month.  Make sure you have changed your old patterns of relating to food.  This is important if you are going to keep the weight off.  Then move on to beginning the process again.  But for now, just continue with the completion of Phase II.  Remember to enjoy!

Namaste (I bow to you), Donna
You can contact me through my normal channels on or send an email message to or
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Friday, April 29, 2011

Ampegy and Spark Energy - DeRegulation

Who is Ampegy?  Who is Spark Energy?  In a nutshell, Ampegy has a unique affiliate relationship with Spark Energy who is a pioneer in the retail energy business.  As an affiliate, Ampegy is able to offer distinctive pricing packages on Spark's residential natural gas and electricity services.  Want to learn more?


Now You Know (NYK),

Namaste (I bow to you), Donna

Thursday, April 28, 2011

HCG Day 42, Phase I, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day – Escape is easier than change. -Unknown

-- Tip --Today is your last day of using hCG. Are you prepared for what lies ahead of you? Are you getting ready to waltz into Phase II with a sound plan that will support your efforts and not bring you back to acting in old patterns? Get a game plan in place. Re-read my book, investigate ways to make your changes permanent. Sign up for my EFT training program. I will teach you how to change subconscious thoughts. It is quick and easy and once the technique is learned, you’ll be able to go off and practice at your own pace and make other amazing changes in your life, not those just centered around food and eating.

Namaste (I bow to you),

You can contact me through my normal channels on
or send an email message to or

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Deregulation - Make your Own Choice!

Did you know if you live in California, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania or Texas you can see if you have the option of choice for your electric and/or gas service provider.  

If you're lucky enough to have a choice, you also have the opportunity of  being able to cash in on an unheard of offer of getting 3% cash back on your "Spark" energy bill?

Want to find out more and see if you qualify? 

Know lots of people in those states and want to pass along the word and earn a little extra cash in the process?  Visit today and find out how. This is an exciting ground floor opportunity similar to that experienced in the days of the deregulation of the telephone industry.

Don't miss out so that you too can be A Voice For Change!

Namaste (I bow to you),

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Why you should use ProArgi-9

Did you know Dr. Joseph Prendergast, the formulator of ProArgi-9 Plus was awarded the American Diabetes Association's highest honor "Father of the Year" 2008 for saving diabetic lives. 

Find out why.  Watch this

Namaste (I bow to you),

This information is not intended to be taken as medical advice.  Do not alter or discontinue medical treatment or use of medications without the consent of your physician.  These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  Pro-Argi9 Plus is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 

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Monday, April 25, 2011

HCG Day 17, Phase II, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day -- The values we live by are worth more when we pass them on.  -Author Unknown

--TIP-- Now that you have discovered something that works like nothing else you have ever tired before, pass it along.   Don't forget about getting your hormones checked out.  Physical imbalances can cause weight gain and addictive behaviors.  Don't let eating get out of hand again.  Contact your coach for further direction beyond weight loss.  This is critical for long term success.  When you are done with Phase II, check out our website under weight loss for everyday healthy recipes and other ideas for maintaining control and great health.

Namaste (I bow to you),

You can contact me through my normal channels on
or send an email message to or

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

HCG Day 12, Phase I, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the day -- Lessons can be learned through awareness.  Be aware, open and grateful for the opportunities.  -Author Unknown

--Tip -- Are you getting a little bored with the food?  Try this recipe to help spice things up a bit.  Remember too,  rotate your food choices.  Variety is the spice of life and will help get that weight off just a tad bit quicker.  Don’t make this or any meal a habit.  Experiment with things that are different and new. 

Shrimp & Tomatoes - Season cleaned, peeled shrimp with sea salt and red pepper flakes (to your taste).  Heat a non-stick pan and add cherry tomatoes (or a large tomato cut into small pieces - whatever your weight allotment is for this meal).  Sauté until they just start to break down.  Add shrimp and cook until they just start to turn pink (about 2 minutes).  Flip shrimp over and cook another 2 minutes.  Also works with other fish choices. 

Every day is a opportunity to try something new.  Enjoy!

Namaste (I bow to you),


You can contact me through my normal channels on
or send an email message to or

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Experiencing Shortness of Breath or Pulmonary Hypertension?

Do you suffer from shortness of breath or pulmonary hypertension?  Did you know that L-arginine increases circulation so effectively that more oxygenated blood is delivered to the lungs.  Want to learn more about this vital amino acid that plays a number of physiological functions in the human body?  Want to learn more about the benefits derived from Pro-Argi9 Plus?

Watch this

Namaste (I bow to you),

This information is not intended to be taken as medical advice.  Do not alter or discontinue medical treatment or use of medications without the consent of your physician.  These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  Pro-Argi9 Plus is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 

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Friday, April 22, 2011

HCG Day 2, Phase I, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought For The Day
Thinking about where you’ve been or what you did wrong in the past are not productive in leading an inspired life.  Be totally engaged in the now.  Enjoy the journey.  -Donna Appel

Today is day two. Get up and weigh in, record your weight and take your hCG.   Enjoy the last day of your "pig out"!

Remember, lay off the sugar - you are aiming for increasing fat consumption, not a sugar spike. AND get ready to begin your 500 calorie per day eating tomorrow. Shop, weigh, wrap - get prepared for the next few days. Read your book. Whatever you do, have fun eating - bulk up on the fat - and get ready for the weight loss phase to begin tomorrow!

Namaste (I bow to you),

You can contact me through my normal channels on
or send an email message to or

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ampegy Services - Spark Energy

Spark Energy is an early pioneer in the retail energy business.  Headquartered in Houston, Texas, Spark started out in 1999 with the goal of serving newly deregulated energy markets across the country.  They currently serve hundreds of thousands of residential and commercial customers in over 16 states, saving them money on their natural gas and electricity utilities.  I too was shocked.  I didn't know I had a choice.

If you live in or know someone who lives in one of the current 7 states (California, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania or Texas)  or soon to be 16 states (coming soon to Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio), click here to learn more about this terrific opportunity

Namaste (I bow to you),

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Inflammation - What Triggers this chronic and deadly problem?

I didn't know that (IDKT)

Inflammation is a common factor in most every disease that afflicts us. Yes, cancer is considered inflammatory as well as allergies, arthritis, Alzheimer's, diabetes, colitis, heart disease, infections, vaginitis, etc, etc, etc. Problems really begin to surface when the inflammation becomes chronic, in other words, constant.

I actually experienced chronic inflammation first hand a few years ago. I had been suffering from severe ankle pain which I was told by the mainstream medical community was arthritis. I was in my early 50's and couldn't believe that I had arthritis. The thought of having to take anti-inflammatory medicine and pain killers for the rest of my life wasn't something I was looking forward to. Heck, the way I was feeling, I would be wheel chair bound by the time I was 60 so my future was looking rather bleak. As my doctor told me "welcome to old age", I knew at that moment that aging for me was not going to be taken lightly.

Being the bull-headed detective that I am, I went on my usual quest for answers. That is when I discovered Caroline Sutherland, best selling author of the book "The Body Knows". It was Caroline who diagnosed me with my allergy to wheat. It was at that point in my life that I also realized how much trouble I was really in and it didn't have anything to do with arthritis.

That's right. My arthritic problem had nothing to do with aging as I was led to believe and everything to do with a wheat allergy. Can you imagine the disbelief when I woke up three days after ceasing my consumption of wheat, pain free. I was shocked and yes, I knew I was in really big trouble because I knew at that point that my days of dealing with mainstream medicine in the United States of America were over.

It turns out that inflammation is our body's response to injury. I wondered how wheat could be injurious to my system. It didn't make any sense. I later learned that it is the good old American diet that causes most of the inflammation because wheat (in my case) is used as a filler in so many products that my system became overloaded. Wheat is so processed that the nutritional content of the wheat I was consuming was null and void, zero, zip, zilch, non-existent. The wheat I was consuming was slowly killing me.

Oh sure, I can become inflamed if I am stung by a bee but that is short lived. The chronic inflammation that I was learning about that was causing my arthritis was the result of the American diet that is full of processed sugar and white flour and severely lacking in nutrient rich foods. You know the one's I am referring to, those refined carbohydrates that everyone tries to sell you no matter where you turn.
Boy did I get an education. I found out that those refined carbs are poisonous to our systems and have an inflammatory effect on our body. I was stunned to find out that Americans consume more than 160 pounds of sugar a year and approximately 200 pounds of white flour a year. Can you imagine that. OMG, this was big. Turns out that sugar and processed white flour increase our blood sugar which in turn generates pro-inflammatory chemicals in our body. No wonder I was in such pain. I was eating refined carbs on a daily basis. What did I know. I thought bread and pasta were good for you.

I kept investigating and found out that:
  1. Sugars react to proteins in an inflammatory way and that is not a good thing. 
  2. Processed foods as well as dairy products and most meats keep our systems very acidic which further adds to a chronic inflammatory state.
  3. Many fats and oils are inflammatory because they are high in omega 6 fatty acids which are pro-inflammatory.
  4. Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory but we are consuming 20 to 30 times more Omega-6's so we are totally out of balance and highly inflammatory as a result.
  5. It is guesstimated that 50% of the population is allergic to dairy products, hence more inflammation. Why didn't anyone tell us that milk was intended for baby cows?
  6. Colds and infections contribute to inflammation as they trigger an inflammatory process necessary to destroy the intruders. Experiencing one cold after the other can therefore be considered chronic inflammation.
  7. Fat cells are a contributor to chronic inflammation. Fat cells produce a lot of inflammation, hence the reason why over weight individuals are more likely to experience chronic illness.
  8. Stress and lack of sleep also contribute to chronic inflammation by producing inflammatory chemicals in our systems.
My days of chronic inflammation are behind me. I have lost weight using hCG (a story for another day). I have had my hormones balanced. I have taken charge of the food that I put in my mouth and mostly purchase only organic foods. I have started going to bed at 9:30pm and getting up @ 5:30am. By the time 7:00am rolls around, I have exercised and meditated and I'm ready to begin my day. I feel fantastic.

Now you know (NYK)!

Namaste (I bow to you),

You can contact me through my normal channels on
or send an email message to or

Monday, April 18, 2011

An Opportunity to Choose An Electric and Gas Company? Coming Soon!

Did you know that if you live in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, or Ohio that you will soon have the same opportunity as those that live in California, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania and Texas?  What's the opportunity you ask?  You have the option of choice when it comes to purchasing your electric and/or gas supply.

Surprised?  I was too.  I didn't know it was already deregulated in some states or is in the process of becoming deregulated in many states.  That was a big WOW for me.  This is exactly what was done to the telephone monopoly years ago.

Want to find out more and see if you qualify to save some dollars on your monthly electric and/or gas bill now?  Remember if you don't qualify now, you will in the future.  We've only just begun.  Visit today!

Do you know people in those states and want to pass along the word and earn a little extra income in the process?  Visit today and find out how.

This is an exciting ground floor opportunity similar to that experienced in the days of the deregulation of the phone industry.  It's all done through networking too.  I love sharing and helping the old paradigm to shift. 

Don't miss out so that you too can be A Voice For Change!

Now you know (NYK)!

Namaste (I bow to you), Donna

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

HCG Day 3, Phase II, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the Day
Man cannot discover new oceans
unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore. 
-Andre Gide

You are into day three of Phase II.  You may be feeling a little discouraged if you see the scale go up even though you have not broken the rules of the protocol.  DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED.  What you are experiencing is normal.  It is part of the process.  Remember if you gain more than two pounds, do a STEAK DAY.  Yes, it works.  Take an Ener-G cap around 11:00am in the morning and it will help you get through the day.  Have that big steak for dinner with an apple or cucumber.  Nothing else.  You will be lighter the next day. 

Keep up the pace until the end of 21 days.  As you near the end, you will notice your weight begin to stabilize.  You won't need steak days.  If you gain a pound or two it easily comes off if you tone down your food intake for the day.  You will notice the changes from your old eating habits to your new eating habits.   The new you is beginning to emerge.   Treat that new you well and in a healthy manner and it will serve you for many many many years to come. 

Namaste (I bow to you),

You can contact me through my normal channels on
or send an email message to or

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

HCG Day 8, Phase 1, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the Day
"Our problems cannot be resolved in the same state of consciousness in which we’ve created them” - Einstein

You are into week 2 already.  Your body will start changing now.  Don't forget to work on your mind.  Changing habits is best begun by being aware.  If you accustom to eating in front of the TV, stop doing that.  Start being a conscious eater.  Start working on changes that will stay with you the rest of your life.  Start working on changes that will keep you healthy and lean the rest of your life.  You are on your way to great success. 

Congrats to you for taking the first steps.  Enjoy your day.

(I bow to you),

You can contact me through my normal channels on
or send an email message to or

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Friday, April 15, 2011

High LDL? Pulmonary Hypertension?

Heart issues plaguing you?  What if I told you I know of a product that I use personally that reduces blood pressure, triglycerides, bad cholesterol (LDL), pulmonary hypertension, CASP scores, glucose levels, creatinine levels, c-reactive protein and albumin and bilirubin levels?  What if I told you I know of a product that I personally use that increases good cholesterol (HDL), vitamin D and magnesium levels and relieves neuropathy in legs and feet?  Click here to learn more about Pro-Argi9. 

Namaste (I bow to you),

This information is not intended to be taken as medical advice.  Do not alter or discontinue medical treatment or use of medications without the consent of your physician.  These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  Pro-Argi9 Plus is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

HCG Day 40, Phase I, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought for the Day: 
"We live our lives in chains, never knowing we have the key"  -The Eagles

Get ready, get set ….. the end is near.  There is light at the end of the tunnel.  You are doing an awesome job.  Contact your coach if you have questions and remember, once Phase I is completed, you’ll move into Phase II.  No more calorie counting in phase II either.  You’ll be letting the scale guide you along the way. 

Namaste (I bow to you),

You can contact me through my normal channels on
or send an email message to or

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

HCG Day 1, Phase 10, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

A mantra to repeat...I create a life that is filled with rewards other than food.  -Donna Appel

Reminder - stay away from cosmetics, creams and lotions.  Most contain oils of some sort.  If you can, avoid putting anything on your skin.  Face powder or mineral makeup is allowed but give your skin the opportunity to breathe as much as possible.  If your skin is overly dry, try using a dry brush.  You can purchase them in a health food store.  It may seem rough at first, but your body will quickly take to dry brushing within a few attempts and you'll love the feel when you're done.  It only takes a minute to gently run the brush over all parts of your dry body.  You will be amazed at how it will cleanse your body of dry cells and stimulate circulation. 

(I bow to you),

You can contact me through my normal channels on
or send an email message to or

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Freedom to Choose - Utilities

Did you know that there was a deregulation of the electric and gas markets?  This simply means that people now have a choice.

Did you know that by the time electricity or gas gets to your home, several different entities have interacted to bring this resource to you?

Here is how it works.  First, specific companies generate power or process natural gas.  Next, a retail supplier buys power or gas in order to meet the needs of their customers. The company you choose will purchase electricity or gas on your behalf competing on the open market for the best price. You can think of them as your own personal power shopper.

It's this competition that ultimately drives prices down and customer experience up.  When it comes to the physical distribution and delivery of the electricity and gas to your home, we all depend on the local utilities to maintain the lines and pipes to keep the system safe and operating.

Your local utility, officially known as a Transmission and Distribution Service Provider (TDSP) is who you call if you have an emergency or service outage.  The end result today is that you now get to choose who you buy your electric and gas product from based on price which is exactly what is needed to ultimately drive prices down and bring the quality of service up.

Want to learn more?  Visit

Namaste (I bow to you),

You can contact me through my normal channels on
or send an email message to or

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Monday, April 11, 2011

HCG Day 1, Phase 1, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Nothing we ever imagined is beyond our power, only beyond our present self-knowledge. -Theodore Rozak

Today is day one. You get to "pig out" today.  Get up and weigh in, record your weight and take your hCG.  Bulk up on the fat more than the sugar.  It is the fat you need not the sugar rush.   Remember, the more you fatten up today and tomorrow, the easier it will be hunger wise, when day three rolls around. 


Namaste (I bow to you),

You can contact me through my normal channels on
or send an email message to or

Sunday, April 10, 2011

HCG Day 12 Phase II, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.   - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Trust that you are on the right path.  Trust that you are able to maintain the weight loss you have worked so hard to attain.  You are on the home stretch and with a little more commitment to healthy eating, no starch and no sugar, you will celebrate your accomplishment.

Keep improving on the foods you eat.  Greens, veggies and protein, that you are consuming should be making up the majority of the food that you ingest.  Getting on the scale in the morning will be as normal as brushing your teeth.  Very soon, your weight will normalize and you'll be back in the saddle, a much wiser human being.

Now you know (NYK)!

Namaste (I bow to you),

You can contact me through my normal channels on
or send an email message to or

Saturday, April 9, 2011

HCG Day 6 Phase II, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

You won't realize the distance you've walked
until you take a look around and realize
how far you've come.
- Author Unknown

Now is the time to look back and realize what it took to get you to the point of being unhealthy.  Take that knowledge along with what you are learning now and use it to create a new reality of good health, good body, good mind and ultimately good spirit.  Life is an adventure, look forward and start creating the life that you want to explore. 

Continue on Phase II.  I can't stress enough - NO CHEATING.  You will only be cheating yourself in the end.  You have come this far are realize how precise and exact this regime is.  Continue with that realization.  Phase II is not different than Phase I in terms of following the instructions to the letter.  You will reap the rewards at the end of the 21 day cycle that you are currently in. 

Now you know (NYK)!

Namaste (I bow to you),

You can contact me through my normal channels on
or send an email message to or

Friday, April 8, 2011

HCG Day 25 Phase 1, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

People are doing the very best they can given their level of awareness. 
- Depak Chopra

Tip:  If others have been making negative comments, try to ignore them.  I know it is hard but it is only in their ignorance that they speak.  Teach them.  Show them.  Prove them incorrect.  I was once where you are.  Look at where I am now.  You can do this.  You can rid yourself of the weight and keep it off.  Forever!  All you need to do is start taking better care of yourself in the future.  Start thinking about ways you can do this.  Rid your pantry of those killer foods.  Start focusing on eating real food; natural proteins, vegetables and fruits.  Listen to your body.  When day 41 rolls around, you'll want to be prepared to feed your body the foods that it will crave and desire and it won't be starch and sugar. 

Got a sugar craving?  Eat some sweet fruit and savor the experience.  Save the cheats for when you are out and about.  When you are home, treat it as your sanctuary, keeping it pure and simple.  You have two sanctuaries now, your physical abode and your physical body.  Honor them both.

Now you know (NYK) to seize the day!

Namaste (I bow to you),

You can contact me through my normal channels on
or send an email message to or

Butterfly image from

Thursday, April 7, 2011

HCG Day 24 Phase 1, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

A new way of thinking - When I reach for things that I know are not good for me, I step back, take a deep breath and choose differently.

I feel it imperative to repeat what is written in your manual once again to avoid frustration mode.  When your weight loss number slows, you really need to be clear on what is happening during this process.  This information can be referenced in your manual.  The idea is to keep you prepared and ready should a plateau occur.  Remember your thoughts create your reality and knowledge is power!

If you are hitting a plateau, email or fax me your food intake sheets and let me review them.  Many times I can spot something that is amiss and with a little adjusting, we can get you back on track.  Don’t delay sending them though.  Every day counts.  You want to realize the maximum loss as your days for losing are numbered in Phase I only.

You can contact me through my normal channels on or send an email message to or

Now you know (NYK) to seize the day!

Namaste (I bow to you), Donna

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cleaning Up Your Act by Cleaning Out Your Pantry!

Want to help your children stay healthy?  The following substances are toxic and add to illness, depression, increased appetite, altering of the body's biochemistry and/or body fat.  Here are a couple of things you can do today to start turning their health around immediately. 

1.    Throw away anything in your home that contains hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils (aka trans fats), high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners (yes, even splenda) or dyes of any kind, milk and dairy products (milk was meant for baby cows but if you must indulge on occasion, consume raw organic products).  Eliminate soda, Gatorade, sports drinks and most all juices of any kind unless they are fresh squeezed with all the fiber intact.

2.    MSG (mono sodium glutamate should never ever be consumed as it is a deadly excito-toxin.  An excito-toxin is a substance that has an exciting effect on the system but is also toxic and poison to the system.  It tricks the brain into thinking that the food is really great tasting.  Excito-toxins are often referred to as "flavor enhancers"!   I refer to them as body degraders.  Excito-toxins are added to food to make any food taste better than it would without it.  It is for that reason that it is added to substandard cheap food!  It instantly over stimulates the brain/body and causes a craving for more food and before you know it, you are consuming way more than you would have consumed without the additive.  Did you know that excito-toxins similar to MSG are in most processed foods that are marketed to children?  Do you think this could be a significant factor in why our children are having so many concentration and focus problems in school?  Think this fact has anything to do with Autism and ADD? 

Knowing what I know today prevents me from bringing anything processed into my home unless it is totally organic and made by someone I personally know and trust.

Here is a list of some better known excito-toxins:

Amino Sweet, Aspartame, Equal, Gelatin, Glutamate, Hydrolyzed Corn Gluten, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, MSG, Monosodium Glutamate, NMDA, Nutra Sweet, Sodium Caseinate, Splenda, Textured Protein …..  AND all of these and similar ingredients can be hidden in other ingredients and never called out exactly by name.  They are also known as "natural flavorings, spices, seasonings and flavoring".  BEWARE!

The bottom line is that MSG, Equal, Nutra Sweet and their equivalent excito-toxins destroy cells in critical parts of the brain.  Why would anyone want to ingest something like this let alone give it to young children with growing, developing bodies?  I believe it is only ingested because the consumer is unaware of the danger and ramifications to the human body.  Education is key to turning around this assault on the human body.

A better low/no calorie choice, should you find the need for sweeteners, would be xylitol or stevia.  Xylitol is a naturally occurring carbohydrate found in fibrous veggies and fruits as well as birch bark.  Xylitol is a natural occurring substance found in the human body that does not require insulin to metabolize.  Stevia is an herb from the Chrysanthemium family and is harvested from the leaves of the small shrubs.  There are over 300 species of stevia plants.  Again, buyers beware of any additives to these natural substances.  Many times, corporations will use the name of the sweetener leaving you thinking you are consuming a natural product when in fact, there are additives in the stevia and xylitol which allow them to be private labeled and patented.  Read packages carefully and only purchase pure 100% stevia and pure 100% xylitol.

Now you know (NYK)!

Namaste (I bow to you),

You can contact me through my normal channels on
or send an email message to or

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

HCG Day 23, Phase 1, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. 
- Martin Luther King Jr.

Your determination is starting to show.  You should be feeling good now.  Toxins should be leaving your body and you should be feeling a bit better if you haven’t in the past.  Keep me posted on your progress.  I'm anxious to hear how you are feeling.

I feel it imperative to repeat what is written in my book.  Some clients may begin to slow in their weight loss number and they need to be clear on what is happening during this process.  Refer to your book for a list of Tips for Plateaus.  It is best to be prepared should you reach this stage.  Being negative doesn’t help the process and knowledge is power so read on…..

“The weight registered by the scale is determined by two processes not necessarily synchronized.  Under the influence of hCG, fat is being extracted from the cells, in which it is stored in the fatty tissue. When these cells are empty and therefore serve no purpose, the body breaks down the cellular structure and absorbs it, but breaking up of useless cells, connective tissue, blood vessels, etc., may lag behind the process of fat-extraction. When this happens the body appears to replace some of the extracted fat with water which is retained for this purpose. As water is heavier than fat the scales may show no loss of weight, although sufficient fat has actually been consumed to make up for the deficit in the 500-Calorie diet. When then such tissue is finally broken down, the water is liberated and there is a sudden flood of urine and a marked loss of weight.”

“After the fourth or fifth day of dieting the daily loss of weight begins to decrease to one pound or somewhat less per day, and there is a smaller urinary output. Men often continue to lose regularly at that rate, but women are more irregular in spite of faultless dieting. There may be no drop at all for two or three days and then a sudden loss which reestablishes the normal average. These fluctuations are entirely due to variations in the retention and elimination of water, which are more marked in women than in men.”

A plateau lasts 4-6 days and frequently occurs during the second half of a full course, particularly in patients that have been doing well and whose overall average of nearly a pound per effective injection has been maintained. Those who are losing more than the average all have a plateau sooner or later. A plateau always corrects itself, but many patients who have become accustomed to a regular daily loss get unnecessarily worried and begin to fret.  No amount of explanation convinces them that a plateau does not mean that they are no longer responding normally to treatment.

A plateau can also occur a few days before and during a woman’s menstrual period and again during ovulation. As with the above mentioned plateau, it will always correct itself and should not be a reason for concern.

Now get out there and enjoy your day and know that you are worthy of change and commitment to yourself.

Namaste (I bow to you),


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