1. Throw away anything in your home that contains hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils (aka trans fats), high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners (yes, even splenda) or dyes of any kind, milk and dairy products (milk was meant for baby cows but if you must indulge on occasion, consume raw organic products). Eliminate soda, Gatorade, sports drinks and most all juices of any kind unless they are fresh squeezed with all the fiber intact.
2. MSG (mono sodium glutamate should never ever be consumed as it is a deadly excito-toxin. An excito-toxin is a substance that has an exciting effect on the system but is also toxic and poison to the system. It tricks the brain into thinking that the food is really great tasting. Excito-toxins are often referred to as "flavor enhancers"! I refer to them as body degraders. Excito-toxins are added to food to make any food taste better than it would without it. It is for that reason that it is added to substandard cheap food! It instantly over stimulates the brain/body and causes a craving for more food and before you know it, you are consuming way more than you would have consumed without the additive. Did you know that excito-toxins similar to MSG are in most processed foods that are marketed to children? Do you think this could be a significant factor in why our children are having so many concentration and focus problems in school? Think this fact has anything to do with Autism and ADD?
Knowing what I know today prevents me from bringing anything processed into my home unless it is totally organic and made by someone I personally know and trust.
Here is a list of some better known excito-toxins:
Amino Sweet, Aspartame, Equal, Gelatin, Glutamate, Hydrolyzed Corn Gluten, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, MSG, Monosodium Glutamate, NMDA, Nutra Sweet, Sodium Caseinate, Splenda, Textured Protein ….. AND all of these and similar ingredients can be hidden in other ingredients and never called out exactly by name. They are also known as "natural flavorings, spices, seasonings and flavoring". BEWARE!
The bottom line is that MSG, Equal, Nutra Sweet and their equivalent excito-toxins destroy cells in critical parts of the brain. Why would anyone want to ingest something like this let alone give it to young children with growing, developing bodies? I believe it is only ingested because the consumer is unaware of the danger and ramifications to the human body. Education is key to turning around this assault on the human body.
A better low/no calorie choice, should you find the need for sweeteners, would be xylitol or stevia. Xylitol is a naturally occurring carbohydrate found in fibrous veggies and fruits as well as birch bark. Xylitol is a natural occurring substance found in the human body that does not require insulin to metabolize. Stevia is an herb from the Chrysanthemium family and is harvested from the leaves of the small shrubs. There are over 300 species of stevia plants. Again, buyers beware of any additives to these natural substances. Many times, corporations will use the name of the sweetener leaving you thinking you are consuming a natural product when in fact, there are additives in the stevia and xylitol which allow them to be private labeled and patented. Read packages carefully and only purchase pure 100% stevia and pure 100% xylitol.
Now you know (NYK)!
Namaste (I bow to you),

You can contact me through my normal channels on http://www.avoiceforchange.com
or send an email message to donna.appel@newmedicinefoundation.com or donna@avoiceforchange.com
or send an email message to donna.appel@newmedicinefoundation.com or donna@avoiceforchange.com
Image found on www.aglclcms.org
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