Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- Martin Luther King Jr.
Your determination is starting to show. You should be feeling good now. Toxins should be leaving your body and you should be feeling a bit better if you haven’t in the past. Keep me posted on your progress. I'm anxious to hear how you are feeling.
I feel it imperative to repeat what is written in my book. Some clients may begin to slow in their weight loss number and they need to be clear on what is happening during this process. Refer to your book for a list of Tips for Plateaus. It is best to be prepared should you reach this stage. Being negative doesn’t help the process and knowledge is power so read on…..
“The weight registered by the scale is determined by two processes not necessarily synchronized. Under the influence of hCG, fat is being extracted from the cells, in which it is stored in the fatty tissue. When these cells are empty and therefore serve no purpose, the body breaks down the cellular structure and absorbs it, but breaking up of useless cells, connective tissue, blood vessels, etc., may lag behind the process of fat-extraction. When this happens the body appears to replace some of the extracted fat with water which is retained for this purpose. As water is heavier than fat the scales may show no loss of weight, although sufficient fat has actually been consumed to make up for the deficit in the 500-Calorie diet. When then such tissue is finally broken down, the water is liberated and there is a sudden flood of urine and a marked loss of weight.”
“After the fourth or fifth day of dieting the daily loss of weight begins to decrease to one pound or somewhat less per day, and there is a smaller urinary output. Men often continue to lose regularly at that rate, but women are more irregular in spite of faultless dieting. There may be no drop at all for two or three days and then a sudden loss which reestablishes the normal average. These fluctuations are entirely due to variations in the retention and elimination of water, which are more marked in women than in men.”
“A plateau lasts 4-6 days and frequently occurs during the second half of a full course, particularly in patients that have been doing well and whose overall average of nearly a pound per effective injection has been maintained. Those who are losing more than the average all have a plateau sooner or later. A plateau always corrects itself, but many patients who have become accustomed to a regular daily loss get unnecessarily worried and begin to fret. No amount of explanation convinces them that a plateau does not mean that they are no longer responding normally to treatment.”
A plateau can also occur a few days before and during a woman’s menstrual period and again during ovulation. As with the above mentioned plateau, it will always correct itself and should not be a reason for concern.
Now get out there and enjoy your day and know that you are worthy of change and commitment to yourself.
Namaste (I bow to you),
Photo of stairs provided by
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