Did you know that if you live in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, or Ohio that you will soon have the same opportunity as those that live in California, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania and Texas? What's the opportunity you ask? You have the option of choice when it comes to purchasing your electric and/or gas supply.
Surprised? I was too. I didn't know it was already deregulated in some states or is in the process of becoming deregulated in many states. That was a big WOW for me. This is exactly what was done to the telephone monopoly years ago.
Want to find out more and see if you qualify to save some dollars on your monthly electric and/or gas bill now? Remember if you don't qualify now, you will in the future. We've only just begun. Visit www.avoiceforchange.ampegyservices.com today!
Do you know people in those states and want to pass along the word and earn a little extra income in the process? Visit www.avoiceforchange.ampegy.com today and find out how.
This is an exciting ground floor opportunity similar to that experienced in the days of the deregulation of the phone industry. It's all done through networking too. I love sharing and helping the old paradigm to shift.
Don't miss out so that you too can be A Voice For Change!

Namaste (I bow to you), Donna
Image found on www.bestgasandelectricity.com
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