Friday, April 22, 2011

HCG Day 2, Phase I, Hints, Tips and Inspiration

Thought For The Day
Thinking about where you’ve been or what you did wrong in the past are not productive in leading an inspired life.  Be totally engaged in the now.  Enjoy the journey.  -Donna Appel

Today is day two. Get up and weigh in, record your weight and take your hCG.   Enjoy the last day of your "pig out"!

Remember, lay off the sugar - you are aiming for increasing fat consumption, not a sugar spike. AND get ready to begin your 500 calorie per day eating tomorrow. Shop, weigh, wrap - get prepared for the next few days. Read your book. Whatever you do, have fun eating - bulk up on the fat - and get ready for the weight loss phase to begin tomorrow!

Namaste (I bow to you),

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